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5.4 Installing eSquirt in the Compaq iPAQ

The eSquirt and openobex installation in the Comaq iPAQ is more difficult because the Compaq iPAQ hasn't a gcc compiler to compile itself the source code. However, we have several options to compile eSquirt and openobex for the Compaq iPAQ architecture.

One option is to install a cross compiler in the PC to produce binaries for the Compaq iPAQ architecture. Another option is to use the Skiff Cluster. The Skiff Cluster is a set of PCs with the same architecture that the Compaq iPAQ. These PCs allow us to compile our source codes. The URL is http://skiffcluster{1-6}, and you can log in using telnet with user ''guest'' (without password).

First, we have to put the eSquirt and openobex packages in a PC of the Skiff Cluster and then log in in that PC and compile the sources in the habitual way: ./configure, make and make install.

But you have to know some considerations to compile correctly the sources, like when you are going to execute make install, this command will try to install the binaries and libraries in the /bin, /lib and /include directories in the PC where we are compiling the sources, but we haven't permissions to do this, so you should create your own /bin, /lib and /include directories and modify the Makefile to pointing to these directories.

When you have compiled the sources, you will have to copy all produced files (and all the folders) in the Compaq iPAQ. You have to copy the files in the /lib directory in the cluster into the /lib directory in the Compaq iPAQ, the files in the /bin in the cluster, into the /bin directory, ...

At this point, we have the eSquirt ready to be run in the Compaq iPAQ architecture.

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Diego Chaparro 2002-01-29